About Hypnosis
The Simple Reassuring Real Facts About Hypnosis:
Hypnosis is a very normal, natural state that most of us experience everyday. An example of daily hypnosis would be driving a car and realizing that you can’t remember that last three or four miles of your trip home.
Absolutely everyone of average or better intelligence can be hypnotized. The only thing that can prevent hypnosis is fear, either concious or subconcious, on the part of the subject.
The only way hypnosis could be dangerous would be if it was used to take away pain without a doctor’s referral.
WONDERFUL! You will experience a very deep state of total relaxation. In fact, after most hypnotic sessions, subjects report that they sleep better at night and are more relaxed during their daily life. They also generally have more energy!
When you are hypnotized, you are aware of all suggestions given to you, and you will not do anything that you are opposed to doing. You are in control at all times.
Thanks to TV, movies and superstitions, the average person has misconceptions of what hypnosis is, how safe it is, and what can be accomplished through hypnosis.